Tai Chi For Wellness
Tai Chi consists of slow, gentle, continuous moves that help develop stronger muscles, better balance and concentration.
Tai Chi allows you to reconnect with your mind, body and spirit as well as to strengthen your muscles, loosen your joints or fights stress.
Practice the Art...
Wednesdays 10:00 am - 11:30 am
PWC 4475 4th Street
Fall/Winter Schedule:
PWC 4475 4th Street
Wednesdays, 10 am to 11:30 am (November through April)
Spring/Summer Schedule:
Heritage Park – in front of the gazebo
Wednesdays, 10 am to 11:30
Beginners and newcomers welcome
Amazing Benefits of Tai Chi
1. Improved balance
2. Lowered blood pressure
3. Stronger bones
4. Less chronic pain
5. Reduced stress hormones
6. Improved sense of control
7. Improved concentration
8. Strengthened immune system
9. Improved blood circulation
10. Straighter posture
Dedicated Instructors
All of our instructors and leaders are dedicated volunteers with the goal of providing you with a quality Tai Chi experience.
They teach that Tai Chi requires great concentration. It involves a rhythmic shifting of weight from one part of the body to another, with an equal emphasis on contraction and expansion of the spine, and stretching from one side to the other. This balance of forces is like the yin yang symbol, the complementary pairing of opposites. When the set has been learned well, it is done with a relaxed mindfulness which is why it is called moving meditation.
Our Tai Chi
The Tai Chi we practice is made up of 24 moves. Through repetition, the body remembers.
The movements are slow and smooth. This allows the body to heat up without straining and it prevents pulled muscles.
Participants execute the form according to their abilities. In our club, there are people with a wide range of abilities and mobility challenges. Anyone who is determined to learn and practice the form can achieve success.
Tai Chi is practiced by young and old, bedridden or in a chair. All ability levels can participate in this.
For more information, contact the PWC 250-767-0141.
Everyone is welcome!
Tai Chi - Moving Meditation
"The slow turning and stretching motions of Tai Chi work the whole body and mind, returning their natural graceful state of harmony and wellness."
By focusing on the movements of the set, the mind does not concern itself with worldly matters.
Tai Chi requires great concentration. It is a sequence of continuous soft, graceful movements. The nervous system, ligaments, muscles, bone structure, internal organs, and supportive systems are all affected.
Moving slowly helps break our habitual anxiety patterns and ushers us into a peaceful alert state. Reflexes become faster because of the heightened awareness that comes with being calm and unhurried. Moving slowly requires strength and stamina. This develops as the form is learned and practiced.